Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Forgive me...

Forgive me if i am not sweet
It is because i am not meant to be sweet but to be honest

Forgive me if i dont smile
It is because i am nothing but a reflection of the world around

Forgive me if i dont extend my hand
It is only because my hands are too weak to render any support

Forgive me if i dont understand your tender feelings
It is because i am tough treading rough troughs

Forgive me if i dont take your word
It is because i dont trust anybody but myself

Forgive me if i hurt you
It is because i fail to understand feelings

Forgive me if i dont share with you
It is because i am too close to myself

Forgive me if i am rude
It is because truth can be bitter

Forgive me if i dont laugh with you
It is because i can't laugh when i see pain

Forgive me if i dont chat with you
It is because life is too deep for shallow talks

Forgive me if i am indifferent
It is because i dont understand life

Forgive me if i dont know the ways of the world
It is because the world is too much for me

Forgive me if i wrong
It is because it is human to err

Forgive me for all my faults
It is because i am not perfect!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forgive me
For my honest remarks
Forgive me
For my bitter truths;

Should have known
To impress you
To inject in you
a sense of sweetness; false sweetness

handicapped by nature,
defective in actions,
sharpened blunt words..
forgive me for what i am.

I should have known,
To live without you
At least should have learnt,
To live without you,
Or accept like them
To live without you,
Or pretend like you,
To live without thy 'you'..

Caught in two minds,
In yours and mine,
In sane,insane,
To be or not to be,

Forgive me,
For i never was yours,
Never would be.

I see the rivers
forgiving the ocean
for making it saline;
I see the candle
forgiving the match stick
for setting fire;
I see the flowers
forgiving the bee
for suckling its honey;

Can't thee
Forgive me
For being just me?

Forgive me,
Give me back
For myself,
For i cannot give me
Without you
Forgiving me.
I am sorry for myself
and forgiven myself.